Sub-ether News
June Archive

12/06/98 Earth Standard Time

    Site Update (at last!)

    Yes yes, I know its been a long while since the last update. The truth is I have been swamped for my final year of College (Broadcasting HND) - anyone in the UK who happened to be channel hopping the Cable&Wireless (Nynex) to Channel 10 on the 11th of June may have seen my College's Day of TV programming - (including my rendered title sequences and station stings). Anyway enough about me...

    A few minor adjustments to the main page (can now see easily when the site was last updated) and the webcounter has walked over to the other side of the screen.

    Lambda 0.15.x

    Wow! it's starting to look really nice now - features under construction: Capital ships to have "vital systems" (ie Bridge structures that can be destroyed, disabling maneuverability, thruster tubes can be taken out to stop the ship entirely and gun turrets can be destroyed (lest they destroy you!)

    New screenshots showing gun turrets in operation have been posted in Visual Scans.

    CU Amiga Pre-Pre-Preview!

    This month's CU Amiga has an article on Lambda (including as yet unseen screenshots!). For all the current news, reviews, facts and features about Amiga (aswell as great CoverCDs) go and buy CU! (and read the lambda preview :). Also take a look at their website for even more up-to-date information ->here.

    World of Amiga Show '98

    A great success by all accounts. I'm not going to go into any detail about it as there are plenty of review about what happened at the show (including at the aforementioned CU-Amiga site). Suffice to say that I am excited about the new 0S5 amiga (as well as the developer bridge). Naturally I attended the infamous Dev Conference. Anyone complaining about the bridge being a x86 based machine should consider a) its a DEVELOPER system only b) All the best development tools are available on the proposed system already and c) its only an interim machine until the completely new, totally Amiga - OS5 (Mitchy) is out in 1999. Anyone who complains about having to spend money and ditch their Amiga 500s can be run over by a traction engine ;). Who knows, this way you are far more likely to see a LambdaII OS5 (but don't count on it)

    For all the latest information on OS5, the Bridge and all other Amiga related FACTS surf to Amiga Inc's site.

    Current Game Development

    The coder (Kalsu) is taking a little break from programming Lambda - mainly to concentrate on a project for a demo party (if lambda is anything to go by, it should be an eye opener).

    This does not [repeat] DOES NOT mean that Lambda development has ceased - only the coding has paused briefly. We are still continuing to revise the plot and create the game content. I am giving much thought to the in game animation. If you want some sort of idea of what I'm aiming at, then go and buy the excellent Genetic Species - it has a corker of an intro sequence. Lambda will differ in that it will contain breifing sequences not unlike C&C (but much better of course :).

    So please, no letters to magazines from Mr Angry of Barnsley complaining that Microsoft has bought out our development(!?!?).
